perjantai 9. lokakuuta 2009

Ensimmäinen tentti

EU integraatio- kurssin tenttitehtävä julkaistiin. Meillä on kaksi viikkoa aikaa vastata jompaan kumpaan allaolevista tehtävistä:
  1. You have recently been appointed as Head of Public Affairs in a large EU company. Focusing on a company of your own choice, please discuss how companies can get into discussions concerning new legislation at an early stage when the major direction has not yet been decided? What are strengths and weaknesses from a company perspective of using different venues for lobbying such as national governments, industry associations, directly approaching the Commission or ad hoc coalitions? Finally, please reflect on strengths and weaknesses of corporate lobbying from a societal perspective.
  2. You run a successful business. Your government has asked you to be a member of a newly established governmental committee. The committee’s mandate is to provide input about costs and benefits of European Union membership for your country. Your government has asked you to write a memo for the next committee meeting outlining benefits and disadvantages for your business if your country should join the EU. Focusing of an industry of your choice (for example agriculture, fisheries, construction or services) please write up such a memo concerning benefits and disadvantages for your company if your country becomes a member of the EU (you are free to pick a country of your own choice for example Iceland, Turkey or the Ukraine).
Tuotoksen tulee olla argumentoiva 10- sivuinen tekele, jolla on poliittisen tutkimuksen piirissä yleisesti käytetty muotovaatimus. Mielenkiintoista nähdä, a) kummasta kirjoitan ja b) miten työ tulee etenemään.