Pyysin kahdella eri sivustolla uinnin harrastajien kommentteja vapaauintitekniikastani. Palautetta tulikin erittäin runsaasti. Kiitos kaikille!
Seponkotisivut on suomalaisten, ennenkaikkea juoksijoiden, sivusto. Mukana on kuitenkin muitakin kestävyyslajien harrastajia. Videon keskustelu on täällä.
Tämä sivuston palautteen mukaisesti huomaan, että:
- jalkani harottavat liikaa sekä
- pää joutuu nousemaan hassussa asennossa pintaan ilmaa hakiessani
- jalkani myös laahaavat (edelleen) liian syvällä
Englanninkielinen Total Immersion kiertyy erään uinnin tyylisuunnan ympärille. Keskustelu majailee täällä.
Alla on koostetta saamistani kommenteista:
- It looks good overall, except the head position. It seems that you push your head a little deep. Relax your neck when face down and, as they say, just release the weight of your head into the water.
- During the breathing cycle, the recovering arm has a slight delay to it, at least in the initial above-water shot.
- But my major observation is on your 2bk. It appears you are using the scissor method.
If you use the traditional 2bk, i think you will a lot closer when you go to breathe and won't need to "crane" as much. The scissor method tended to pull me down a bit - Try just a little wider tracks as you spear forward.
- Let your head be ina neutral position right now its seems as if your forcing it down. Flick the feet on a 2bk, try not to wind up and kick, also synchronize your 2bk (i.e. right hand enters the water left legs kicks downward and vice versa for the other arm and leg.) One last thing and this is something that I am working hard on myself, lead with your elbow on the above water recovery. Right now your leading with your hand and you'll get a lot more power with hip drive and a cleaner hand entry if you lead with the elbow instead. Make sure the elbow is leading and your forearm hangs like a rag doll. As your elbow reaches your shoulder than the momentum of your forearm drops into the water.
- First, try relaxing your hands. Second, try to keep your kick more in your "shadow".
- There are several features that can be improved:
- Your head and your whole body are very deep between breaths -- you are submarining.
- As a result, you have to crane your neck up to reach the air.
- Which causes your hips to drop -- swimming uphill
- Which induces an overly large scissor kick.