Kerätäänpä tietoja, mitä tenttejä on tulossa ja mitä materiaalia niihin tulee lukea:
22.4.2009 - Strategic management of growth
- 2 x professori Pihkalan kalvosarja (OK)
- Garnsey, Elisabeth. 1998. A theory of the early growth of the firm. Industrial and corporate change. 7 3. pp 523 - 556. (OK)
- Hansen, E.L. 1995. Entrepreneurial Networks and New Organization Growth. ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY and PRACTICE. Pp 7-19. (OK)
- Kazanjian, R. K. 1988. Relation of dominant problems to stages of growth in technology-based new ventures. Academy of management journal. 31 2, pp 257 – 279. (OK)
- Preisendörfen, P.and Voss, T. 1990. Organizational Mortality of Small Firms The Effects of Entrepreneurial Age and Human Capital. Organization Studies. (OK)
- Rosa, P. and Scott, M. 1999. The prevalence of multiple owners and directors in the SME sector. Entrepreneurship and regional dev. 11. Pp 21 - 37. (OK)
- Starr, J.A. and MacMillan, I.C. 1990. Resource cooptation via social contracting. Strategic management journal. Vol II. Pp 79 - 92 . (OK)
2 x kirja
- Cox, Andrew. 1997. Business success. (OK)
- Hughes, J. et al. 1998. Transform your supply chain. (OK)
- Bensaou, M. 1999. Portfolios of buyer-supplier relationships. Sloan management review. Vol. 40. Num. 4. (OK)
- Bessant, J., Kaplinsky, R., Lamming, R. 2003. Putting Supply Chain Learning into Practice, International Journal of Operations and Production Management. (OK)
- Blomqvist et al. 2002. Filling the gap in traditional transaction cost economics. International journal of production economics. Vol. 79. (OK)
- Chesbrough, H and Rosenbloom, R. 2002. The role of the business model in capturing value from innovation. Industrial and corporate change. Vol 3, No 11. (OK)
- Chopra, S. and Sodhi, M.S. 2000. Managing Risk To Avoid Supply Chain Breakdown. MIT Sloan Management Review. (OK)
- De Geus. 1997. The Living company. Harvard Busienss Review. (OK)
- Dyer, J. 2004. Using Supplier Networks to Learn Faster, MIT Sloan Management Review. (OK)
- Ellram, L. 2002. Supply management's involvement in the target costing process. European journal of purchasing and supply management. (OK)
- Iansiti, M and Levien, R. 2004. Strategy as ecology. Harvard Business Review. March. (OK)
- Mentzer, J.T. 2001. Defining supply chain management. Journal of business logistics. (OK)
- Mitchell and Coles. 2004. Establishing a continuing business model innovation process. Journal of business strategy. (OK)
- Peck, H. 2005. Drivers of supply chain vulnerability. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. (OK)
- 2 x kalvosarja, Krotov (OK)
- 4 x kalvosarja, Hallikas (OK)
- 1 x kalvosarja, Virolainen (OK)
Kirja Mosna 1. Otava.
- Kappale 7 (OK)
- Kappale 8 (OK)
- Kappale 9 (OK)
- Kapple 10
- Kappale 11
- Kappale 12
- 1 x kalvosarja, Kyläheiko (OK)
- 6 x kalvosarja, Toivanen (OK)
- 1 x kalvosarja, Jantunen (OK)
- Teece, D.J.; Pisano, G.; Shuen, A. 1997. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 18, no. 7, 509-533. (OK)
- Fagerberg, J.; Verspagen, B. 2009. Innovation studies—The emerging structure of a new scientific field, Research Policy, vol. 38, no 2, 218-233. (OK)
- Utterback, J.M. 1994. Mastering the dynamics of innovation. Ch. 4. (OK)
- Grant, R.M. 2008. Contemporary strategy analysis. Ch. 3. 6th ed. Blackwell Publishing.
- Grant, R.M. 2008. Contemporary strategy analysis. Ch. 4. 6th ed. Blackwell Publishing.
- Grant, R.M. 2008. Contemporary strategy analysis. Ch. 10. 6th ed. Blackwell Publishing.
- Mohr, J., et al. 2010. Marketing of high-technology products and innovations. 3rd ed. (Huomaa painovuosi!!!)